Sunday, August 31, 2014

Extra Blog Post : August

  This month has been a bit of a struggle in all honesty. I am realizing the consequence of not finding a summer mentor but am on my way to finding one. I'm in the process of having Debra Martin (Ms. Martin is a council member for the city of Pomona) as my mentor because she places emphasis in giving back to the community.

   At this moment my EQ is: "How do officials/leaders use their power to benefit the underprivileged youth in the Los Angeles area?".

   I chose this EQ because I find importance in the belief that the youth is the "future of tomorrow". It started when I found inspiration through figures like Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dali Lama, Jane Goodall, Cesar Chavez, Simon Wiesenthal, Angela Davis, Mother Teresa, etc. for wanting a greater change in their world, and they did just that. The ability to change the circumstance of the disadvantaged. I saw these people and pondered how I could possibly dedicate my life to the human race. In other words I thought, "With this one life I have, How could I contribute to the benefit of the world?". I believed a good way to do this would be by becoming a humanitarian and volunteering with Peace Corps in third world countries. This idea changed when I had a senior presentation of a student that went to the Philippines to do surgeries that weren't available to the locals. Throughout his presentation there was one sentence that stuck out to me. He said, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life". He gave emphasis on how trying to help people that have limited resources is truly hurting them because they rely on the assistance rather than trying to learn themselves. This brought me to want to help the children of these underprivileged countries because they are the play makers. They know how their culture works and what their society needs, not the foreigner. I won't live there ; They will. The only thing I can do is to give those kids the first step to make the changes for their country to progress. This should not be limited to a western way of what we think is best but the techniques of the east as well. To accomplish this, there is the gift of education. This is what I wanted to do my senior project on but I was unable to find the help or resources to do so. I was given the idea from my father that in order to do big things you must start small. Like those who are an "overnight success" there is usually years of hard work that are hidden under the surface. I sought to find the places where we lack as a society (there are too many to count). I chose to focus on the social gap or "poverty cycle" a.k.a. the Urban Paradox. I live on the border line of Pomona and La Verne. Two completely different cities. La Verne: clean, low crime rate, safe communities, good schools, family environment, regular and upper middle class, quiet. Only a mile away lies Pomona: the streets aren't in the best condition, crime rate has lowered but not as safe as La Verne, schools could be better, low and middle class. I was contemplating how is it possible that La Verne could prosper but as soon as you pass the city limits into Pomona, it's a completely different world? This is sort of the underlying base to my Senior Project. To find out were our country is failing its citizens. Where does the problem begin and How can we prevent this from happening all together?

    I chose this EQ because I find myself wanting to move toward the root/core of the problem and how to stop it with a plan that lasts. There have been many ways different organizations have tried to help. For instance the government offers welfare and subsidies but is this really hurting the communities in need? Are those on welfare truly appreciating the help? or are they becoming comfortable with the bare minimum and not giving effort to attempt to be better and strive for more? Are the taxes we pay, (which are high enough as it is) going to a lost cause? All these questions fall under my EQ and I hope by the end of the year to find answers to, if not all, most of them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preparation


1 )  I plan on interviewing Dr. Jose Rodriguez. He is a principal at Gates Elementary school in Lincoln Heights. I plan on interviewing him because he has an active role in the lives of students and is knowledgeable in the way the LAUSD school system functions.

2 )  My questions are:

1 ) What is the philosophy you want students to leave with when they graduate from your school?

2 ) How & Why do you network with international elementary schools?

  •       What goals are you trying to achieve with this?
  •       Can you see this happening with all public schools?

3 ) How has LAUSD helped the underprivileged youth?

    • Helped in the context of graduating high school; lowering the drop-out rate

4 ) Where (in your opinion) does the school system fail?

  • What are its weaknesses?

5 ) How do you think you are/will contribute to the academic success of the students at your school?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice & Working EQ


1 ) Politics in the L.A. County Board of Supervisors
2 ) What do the Board of Supervisors do for the County of Los Angeles to help underprivileged youth?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship Component


1)I have no hours.
2)I do not have a mentor.
3)I realized to never take a summer course when you need senior mentorship experience and hours. It's likely I won't do that for a second time.

4)To learn how to be more time responsible. I've learned to never be to indecisive and to be sure of what you want; to not be on the fence about my choices where there is a due date involved.

5) I have no idea what my topic will be about. I've considered to study open heart surgery or to focus on brain cognition. I've considered to focus on politics and have networking opportunities to have new L.A. County Board of Supervisor Hilda Solis as my possible mentor; to focus on how to incorporate effective political changes in the Los Angeles region. I have considered to focus on the psychological and/or spiritual reasons of artists an where creativity comes from. I've thought about studying how the brain works during meditation. For a while I wondered if I wanted to do some sort of a social experiment on how people see the world (specifically experts in their field, i.e. a botanist, a surfer, a student, a parent, a policeman, etc.) from their own point of view. I have considered attempting to figure out if third world countries had public education in its rural areas, would you see a difference over time, how the country would be governed.To be honest, I would really enjoy is to do something that involved humanitarianism but specifically in 3rd word countries. I have looked for programs that offer this opportunity like Peace Corps and UNICEF, but both of those programs only look for college graduates. I have looked into programs for teens related to humanitarianism, such as GLA (Global Leadership Adventures [offers a week or two weeks in a third world country to provide help around winter break]) but I cannot afford their trips. Since the opportunity of going abroad to do hours is not a price I can afford I was unsure if any of the teachers could refer me or know of something similar to what I would like do focus on for my senior project. As a result of my inability to join GLA,  My only fear is that I will end up doing a project that I won't enjoy and suffer from lack of interest in my topic. I feel that my ideas are spread way too thin. I've been extremely lost on what to choose for a senior project. I have no idea where to go from here.