Executive Paywatch
High Paid CEOs & the Low Wage Economy
- In 2013 the CEO-to-worker pay ratio was 331:1 and the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was 774:1. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity, a country where hard work and playing by the rules would provide working families a middle-class standard of living. But in recent decades, corporate CEOs have been taking a greater share of the economic pie while wages have stagnated and unemployment remains high.
- Highly paid CEOs of low-wage employers are fueling this growing economic inequality. In 2013, CEOs of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 Index companies received, on average, $11.7 million in total compensation, according to the AFL-CIO’s analysis of available data from 350 companies.
- Today’s ratio of CEO-to-worker pay is simply unconscionable. While CEO pay remains in the stratosphere, production and non-supervisory workers took home only $35,239 on average in 2013, and a full-time worker making the federal minimum wage earned only $15,080.
- Even as companies argue that they can’t afford to raise wages, the nation’s largest companies are earning higher profits per employee than they did five years ago. In 2013, the S&P 500 Index companies earned $41,249 in profits per employee, a 38% increase.
- It doesn't have to be this way. Politicians should raise the minimum wage. Corporations should pay their employees a living wage. And workers should have a collective voice on the job to demand their fair share.
1983 : 46 1993 : 195 2003 : 301 In 2013 the CEO-to-worker pay was 1:331*
*2013 CEO to average worker pay ratio calculated based on AFL-CIO analysis of 350 available companies in the S&P 500. Average worker pay according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data for production and non-supervisory workers.
- Side Fact : 49.6% of workers making at or below the minimum wage are 25 years of age or older.
Women: 25+ = 31.8% Men 25+ = 17.8% Women: 20 - 24 = 16.4% Women: 16 - 19 =14.1% Men: 16 - 18 = 10.1% Men: 20 - 24 = 9.8% |
Percent of workers, by race, earning, at or below the minimum wage: Black - 4.9% Latinos - 4.4% White - 4.3% Asian - 3.3% |
Some College - 34.3% High School Graduates - 29.7% Some High School - 23.6% Bachelor's Degree and Higher - 7.9% Less than 1 Year of High School - 4.4%
CEO pay in California:California Companies for the fiscal year of 2014:Location of the company's HQ's, the company's CEO, as well as their total compensation. Total Compensation: determined by adding the following components:
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